Department of Education announce that care leavers and disadvantaged pupils are to benefit from a £126 million investment in new laptops and tablets
++ Birmingham head teacher welcomes funding for an expansion of the Get Help with Technology programme ++
Mr Alex Hughes, Principal at Ninestiles, An Academy
The Department of Education have announced that up to half a million more disadvantaged young people in England will receive new devices to support their education and help keep them connected, through a £126 million investment in the Get Help with Technology programme.
Up to 10k laptops and tablets will be made available for children with a social worker and those leaving care. Devices will also be provided to children who have recently arrived from Afghanistan, to help them to adjust to life in a new country and support their education.
The issue of students who cannot be in the classroom due to Covid is also being addressed, as additional devices will be allocated to schools and college to distribute to those who need to continue their education at home.
Educational providers will be invited to order their allocation of devices this month and next month. The amount allocated per school will depend on the proportion of students on free school meals and numbers of care leavers in each local authority.
Mr Alex Hughes, Principal at Ninestiles, An Academy said:
“This is a welcome announcement from the Department of Education (DfE). The Ninestiles team are ready to work with the DfE to ensure we receive our allocated quota of laptops and tablets as soon as possible.
We know providing these will be of a great help to many of our students, especially those who have recently joined us from Afghanistan. We want to ensure that they have everything they need to continue their education and settle into their new school.”