Fables World is an online tutoring tool that uses videos of funny cartoons, interactive quizzes and child friendly games to teach foundational maths skills to children aged 4+ who struggle with traditional teaching methods such as rote learning and mental arithmetic.
Based on over 10 years of scientific research and testing, Fables World has created a proven learning formula that teaches basic multiplication and division in 19 days with just 5 minutes work a day. To date over 10,000 parents have used Fables World to help their children learn maths, where traditional teaching methods have failed.
“I was at my wits end last year, wondering how my kids were ever going to learn their tables. Then we found Fables World. It was a kind of miracle to see it work so effortlessly, and I can’t recommend the system highly enough!” Decca Aitkenhead, The Sunday Times
Fables World’s teaching techniques are designed to transform number comprehension at an early age, catering to all children with their revolutionary approach. Even those who excel in maths find their fun teaching techniques captivating.
Fables World uses a scientifically proven visual system to assist in the learning of four core Maths skills: Times Tables, Number Bonds, Telling the Time and Fractions. Each learning area is broken down into two fun interactive “Quests.” Each Quest takes 5 minutes a day to complete over a period of 10 – 19 days.
- Table Fables: Times Tables Memorisation – Numbers come alive as humorous characters in an animated world. When these characters interact, stories play out making it effortless – and fun! – for pupils to memorise all Multiplication and Division facts.
- Farting Fractions: Fraction Teaching – Our Farting Fraction technique distils complex fraction rules into four funny faces that enable easy recall, long-term retention, and the application of Fraction rules to any problem.
- Simply Maths: Number Bonds – Our technique ingrains Number Bond patterns in such a way that students can effortlessly solve more complex sums and mental arithmetic.
- Clever Clocks: Telling the Time – Using cheeky but effective toilet humour, children will enjoy learning the fundamentals of Time-telling in Analogue, Digital and 24-Hour.
Compared to the website currently used by most schools in the UK the Fables World technique reduces learning time by 60%.
Who is Fables World for?
Fables World was initially set up for children with dyslexia, dyscalculia, maths anxiety or reluctant learning from 4 – 14 years old. But through countless hours of research in school classrooms and with siblings joining in the fun we have discovered it works for all children no matter what their learning style.
How Fable World works
- Teaching grounded in a world-renowned scientific memory system.
- Using humorous cartoons to eliminate maths anxiety.
- Quests guarantee comprehensive learning, ensuring that children tackle all aspects of maths, even the challenging parts made easy by our technique.
- We offer money-back rewards and cuddly toy prizes to motivate children to complete their Quests, sparing parents and teachers from reminders.
- For those without a subscription or needing extra support, we provide free online lessons, guiding parents and children on how our system works.
Fables World techniques are based on years of research into the psychology of memory and understanding that human brains prefer to remember stories and use visual cues to remember information.
Research has shown that when people hear information, they retain only 10% of that information three days later. However, if the same information is paired with a relevant image that people can see, people retain 65% of that information three days later – this is at the foundation of the Fables World technique.
Additionally research has shown that children in early education who struggle with maths can begin to develop anxious thoughts as early as 4. Fables World uses imagery & games to eliminate learning anxiety, helping children become confident with maths, which has a positive knock on effect in all other subjects, thus setting them up for a brighter more confident future.
How Much Does it Cost?
Fables World costs £15 a month, per child on a subscription basis that can be cancelled any time. Children are only required to do 5 minutes a day. On average it takes children two months to complete all four of Fables World’s math skills: Times Tables, Number Bonds, Telling the Time and Fractions. However if there is just one area of concern parents can pay £15 for one month and focus on one of the four key learning areas.
There are two “Quests” per learning area, and each time a child completes one of the mathematical quests, they earn back a £5 reward. If a child completes two quests, they receive £20 + cuddly toy. This beautifully simple system encourages parents to remind children to log in, and children are motivated to practice maths in order to win their rewards.
Why getting maths right at a young age is so important.
According to research by UCL half of schoolchildren who do not pass their maths GCSEs were already judged to be behind on their maths education at the age of five.
Further research shows that students who weren’t able to learn basic maths had a lower amount of a crucial chemical (gamma-Aminobutyric acid) needed for brain plasticity in a key brain region involved in many important cognitive functions, including reasoning, problem solving, maths, memory and learning.
Girls who perform in the top 25% of maths tests at age 10 earn almost a quarter more than those scoring in the bottom 25% by the time these people reached the middle of their careers – even after taking future qualifications into account.
Achieving 2 or more A levels in STEM subjects adds 7.8% to a man’s earnings, 33.1% to a woman’s earnings. Research Data.
Rebecca Ginger on why she started Fables World
“When my daughter was 3 or 4, she could never remember the order of numbers, no matter how many times we sang counting songs or played hopscotch. Her issue with numbers increased throughout her schooling, causing her huge amounts of anxiety and stress.
I had suffered similarly in school with mental arithmetic, learning to tell the time, and science subjects that require mathematical knowledge. I didn’t want my own daughter to endure the panic and humiliation I had at school and in later life so I came up with Fables World.”
“I invited a whole new way of learning maths for my daughter that involved playing games and having fun. It worked like a dream and my daughter flew from the bottom of the class to the top all while laughing and with no anxiety. Friends asked me to help their children and after thousands of hours of research we created a whole new way of learning maths. Plus, the best bit of the technique was we saw every child’s confidence transform, which then transformed all their other subjects, all while rolling on the floor laughing.”
“Before I introduced my daughter to Fables World, I was called into her school and told she’d probably struggle with any GCSEs, and A-levels were likely out of her reach. She received a 9 (A*) for both maths and further maths at GCSE and is currently doing A-Level maths and receiving As for all her mock exams.”