Severn Trent Continues a Mission of Support for the National Space Centre
The National Space Centre has been awarded essential funding from the Severn Trent Community Fund, to help the charity develop a brand-new gallery at the award-winning visitor attraction.
The Severn Trent Community Fund is overseen by a Community Fund Panel made up of Severn Trent customers who review applications and so, ultimately, it’s the customers who decide where the money goes.
This is not the first time Severn Trent has supported the development of the National Space Centre. In 1997, its Trustees were struggling to find a site in Leicester until Severn Trent donated a storm water tank on a sewage treatment works, where it has since been joined by the Dock and Dock II innovation centres and Space Park Leicester, which opens in summer 2021.
The new gallery, Earth from Space, will explore how the data provided by satellites is vital for managing our relationship with our home planet, a subject matter very close to the heart of Severn Trent and its communities.
The funding has also helped the Leicestershire-based charity retain team members, who have been able to work from home to work with partners to develop ideas and content to help tell this important story.
The new gallery will be launched to the public early in 2022.
Chas Bishop, Chief Executive at the National Space Centre, said: “These have been really difficult times for so many people, but working with the Severn Trent team on such an exciting project gives us plenty to look forward to when we can reopen the doors. It is great to work with a partner who feels as passionately about the science behind their work as we do, as well as understanding the positive difference their funding can make to support the people living and working within their communities.”
Sue Heyes, Community Fund Officer from Severn Trent, added: “We’re absolutely delighted that our funding will help make a huge difference at the National Space Centre, somewhere we know our customers and communities value highly. We know the past year has been extremely difficult for all, so we’re proud that we’ve been able to support with such an exciting project, that will bring enjoyment and education around the fascinating world of space, and make a positive impact to the community.”
The Severn Trent Community Fund is giving away up to £10million over the next five years to support new projects by local charities and community groups in the Severn Trent region – helping to make a real and tangible difference in their communities.