Nottingham Pupils Sparkle in National School Assembly

Nottingham pupils had a starring role in a national assembly which was broadcast live to hundreds of schools across the UK recently.


Students from Oak Field School and Middleton Primary and Nursery School in Nottingham took part in the assembly for RSE Day – an annual event which celebrates health and relationships education in schools. 


Organised by Nottingham City Council and Discovery Education, the theme of this year’s RSE Day was ‘Celebrating Differences – Everyone Can Sparkle’. Nottingham students led the assembly by sharing their thoughts on diversity and how we should all celebrate what makes us unique. 


The assembly was watched by students across the country, with many schools holding celebrations in their classrooms. Taking inspiration from the broadcast, students were encouraged to get involved by writing or drawing ‘What Makes Me Sparkle’, and sharing their work online. 


Tom Hall, teacher at Oak Field School in Nottingham said:


“Our students really enjoyed RSE Day! We hosted lots of exciting activities around expressing ourselves and thinking about what makes us sparkle! We had special guest readers including a local councillor, a ‘Just Dance’ station, a ‘Dress to Express’ area and self-portraits. The students even made their very own ‘Oak Field stars’ to show us what makes them sparkle! It was a wonderful day and I felt very proud of our students.”


Mark Brumwell, Headteacher at Middleton Primary and Nursery School in Nottingham said:


“RSE Day was a fabulous way to encourage children to think about their own positive qualities, whilst noticing and valuing those of their peers. As a UNICEF Rights Respecting School, the opportunity to celebrate diversity and children’s individuality – showing how every child does indeed ‘sparkle’ – was one we fully embraced.”


Councillor Cheryl Barnard, Portfolio Holder for Children, Young People and Schools at Nottingham City Council, said: 


“RSE Day is now an annual event celebrated by schools right across the country and I’m so proud that it started four years ago here in Nottingham.  I was lucky enough to visit Middleton Primary and Woodlands Special School on the day and observe the creative activities children were involved in.”


“We know from our on-going work with headteachers how important this is for children and young people in terms of highlighting the need for safe and healthy relationships. The lessons in schools are all age-appropriate and pupils are taught by experienced staff who understand how to deliver these messages.”


Howard Lewis, Discovery Education’s Managing Director UK and International said:


“Discovery Education is delighted to support RSE Day 2022, an important event which encourages students to value and respect diversity. We’re proud to help teachers deliver these important topics through our Health and Relationships programme, which supports schools to deliver the primary RSE curriculum with confidence.” 


Schools can find out more about RSE Day at And explore Discovery Education’s Health and Relationships programme at