Making the world a more sustainable place one resource at a time
The Action Pack is back for the start of the brand new school year, just in time for Recycle Week 2021, to empower pupils to make the world a better and more sustainable place. The free recycling-themed resources are designed for KS1 and KS2 and cover the topics of Art, English, PSHE, Science, and Maths and have been created to easily fit into day-to-day lesson planning.
The popular resources include a range of interactive activities including; posters, presentations, and activity sheets to teach pupils about the importance of community and about how working together can create a sustainable future for all – a great way to engage pupils on the topic during Recycle Week 2021.
Talking about recycling in the classroom can be fun. The Action Pack has a dedicated bank of resources that enable teachers to discuss the topic in a language that their pupils can understand. Using behaviour change theory as the base of the resources, The Action Pack has been accessed by over 4,000 teachers.
Research from Recycle Now1 outlines that it can be hard to visualise just how much waste is being generated from schools, and even more so the sources of waste creating the issue. The average secondary school produces 22kg of waste per pupil each academic year. This figure is even higher for primary schools where per-pupil the average is 45kg per pupil.
Using The Action Pack resources gives educators the opportunity to teach their pupils about ways that they can look to make the world a more sustainable place through a variety of resources that encourage open discussions and teacher to pupil dialogue – all whilst being a little creative.
Dennis Hollywood from Charlton Manor, has been using The Action Pack resources in his school explaining “The resources really help students to understand the importance of recycling in a fun and interactive way. Using these types of resources can really help students to be more action-driven and it helps them understand how the small changes they make can have an impact on a global scale.”
Hollywood continues to say “Using the WRAP Action Pack, we’ve organised arts and crafts competitions for our pupils and have seen so many inventive entries made from recyclable materials such as bottles and paper cups.”
With the emphatic return of pre-pandemic activities such as class school trips now possible, The Action Pack is offering an eco-based school trip, alongside other eco goodies, as part of their latest school competition. To enter, The Action Pack is asking schools to either create a poster that inspires others to recycle OR create a short film to educate others about recycling. The Action Pack has created a dedicated inspiration page to support teachers and their pupils in stimulating ideas.
To submit your own inspiration and ideas for our page, head to The Action Pack, tweet us @RecycleNow using #RecycleNowActionPack, or email us at