• New research by PushFar, an online mentoring and career platform reveals that nearly half of all teachers are facing a confidence crisis in the work place
  • Nearly a third of teachers surveyed attributed imposter syndrome as a barrier to them becoming a mentor

Searches for ‘Imposter Syndrome’ have seen a huge 254% increase over the last five years* as the UK faces a confidence crisis in the workplace. But what is Imposter Syndrome (IS), what effect is it having, and how can people overcome it?

The National Institutes of Health defines Imposter Syndrome as “a behavioral health phenomenon” leading to “self-doubt of intellect, skills, or accomplishments among high-achieving individuals.” **

New research from PushFar, an online career and mentoring platform has found that nearly half of teachers (49.4%) have experienced imposter syndrome within the workplace.

When it comes to the triggers of Imposter Syndrome 44% of teachers attribute public speaking and presenting alongside other factors that push them out of their comfort zone as their biggest cause of self-doubt. Followed closely in second is starting a new job with just over two in five teachers (41%) linking this to their Imposter Syndrome.

Interestingly, the data found that nearly a third of teachers (30.8%) suffered with Imposter Syndrome when having to provide advice to another professional, whilst just over a quarter (28%) of teachers found being promoted into a new role as a known trigger for them.

So, who do these women turn to when they’re struggling and feeling overwhelmed? Shockingly, nearly half of the teachers surveyed (46.2%) said they didn’t speak to anyone about it, with just over a quarter (25.6%) confiding in a partner or family member.

A recent white paper by PushFar titled, ‘The State of Coaching and Mentoring,’ stated that 9 in 10 workers with a mentor feel happier and more confident in their careers***, so it is no surprise that over 60% of Brits now have mentors within the workplace.

This is backed up by Dr Sandi Mann who commented: “The way to overcome imposter syndrome is first to recognise that you have it. Then, you should try to gather evidence which supports your success. Recognising imposter syndrome is the first step to dealing with it. Then, it can be worth trying to find a buddy or mentor to help you analyse the factors contributing to these feelings.”

Mentoring continues to become ever more valued and important for employees, with 70% of employees stating they would leave their organisation for one that invests in their development and learning.

Ed Johnson, CEO of PushFar commented on the latest research: “I was shocked to see that 49.4% of teachers have struggled with Imposter Syndrome within the workplace. It really speaks volumes to the crisis of confidence our country is facing. Whilst there is no quick fix for Imposter Syndrome, mentoring is one tool which helps people progress and grow in their careers and also confidence.”

However, PushFar’s recent statistics show that over 58.3% of teachers credit Imposter Syndrome as playing a role in preventing them from becoming a mentor.

Ed continues “our latest white paper really showcased how mentoring can help empower people and build confidence, and as such I’d encourage people at all levels to consider turning to a mentor or become a mentor themselves.”

If you think you have what it takes to become a mentor, PushFar have created a new Mentoring Mindset quiz available here, to help you take the next step: Learn more about what it takes to become a mentor, alongside tackling imposter syndrome!