Birmingham, UK: Atom Learning & King Edward VI Foundation Partnership to Revolutionise Access to Birmingham Grammar Schools
Atom Learning joins forces with King Edward VI Foundation to empower underserved Year 4 and 5 students with free access to leading educational resources.
In a groundbreaking move towards greater inclusivity, King Edward VI Foundation has announced a partnership with Atom Learning. This collaboration aims to level the playing field for eligible Pupil Premium students hoping to gain entry into academically selective grammar schools within Birmingham. The pupil premium scheme supports state-funded schools in England to improve outcomes for disadvantaged children.
Nationally, grammar schools’ intake of Pupil Premium pupils sits at 8.3%, despite Pupil Premium students making up 27.6% of students across the country. The King Edward VI Foundation is resolute in its commitment to ensuring equal opportunities for Birmingham’s youth, reserving 25% of grammar school places for pupils eligible for Pupil Premium. Consisting of two independent, six grammar and five comprehensive schools, the diverse group of schools brings a range of expertise and perspectives that pupils can benefit from.
Atom Learning, sharing the Foundation’s vision of accessibility, is dedicated to enhancing every child’s academic journey. By providing the necessary tools and support, this initiative seeks to bridge the educational gap and address the persistently low representation of disadvantaged children in grammar schools. This partnership and support for underprivileged families represents an investment into Birmingham of more than £1.2 million.
More than 1,500 qualifying children will receive access to Atom Home, the award-winning online learning platform for children aged 7–11. This adaptive online learning platform equips students with award-winning resources to familiarise themselves with entrance test content and approach the day with confidence. This partnership and support for disadvantaged families represents an investment into Birmingham of more than £1.2 million.
Anna Masterson, Chief Learning Officer at Atom Learning, commented:
“Our mission is to make exceptional education accessible to all. We are truly excited to partner with the King Edward VI Foundation. This partnership will bring our cutting-edge learning technology to even more families. We firmly believe that our platform empowers children to not only excel on entrance test day, but also to build lasting confidence and pave their path to success throughout Key Stage 3 and beyond.”
Jodh Dhesi, Chief Executive Officer at the King Edward VI Foundation, comments:
“We are delighted to be partnering with Atom Learning to launch our new initiative, designed to help children familiarise themselves with the grammar school entrance test. The Foundation is proud of the pioneering work we have done to support children from low-income backgrounds to access our grammar schools. This new platform takes our support offer to the next level, and we are excited about the impact it could have.”