
Teachers’ five financial focuses for 2024

Oonagh Morrison, Regional Manager at Wesleyan Financial Services,…

Teachers’ five financial focuses for 2024

Oonagh Morrison, Regional Manager at Wesleyan Financial Services,…

Teachers’ five financial focuses for 2024

Oonagh Morrison, Regional Manager at Wesleyan Financial Services,…


  Words by Oonagh Morrison, Regional Manager at Wesleyan…

The Educator Interviews Dr. Georgiana Popovici: Empowering Students to Excel in Mathematics and Statistics

  With an academic career of over 20 years, Dr. Georgiana…

Employing AI to master interview technique - Words By Fleur Sexton

Fleur Sexton, Deputy Lieutenant West Midlands and Managing…

AI Could Save UK Public Workers 23 Million Hours of Admin Per Week

    More than half of UK public sector…

How AI is revolutionising the future of learning and how educators can adapt to this new era of human thinking

Teaching with AI A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning  By…

Revolutionizing Learning: How Educators Leverage Pictory AI to Boost Student Engagement

TikTok and other platforms have shortened many students'…

Over four fifths of UK businesses yet to exploit AI: Education sector leads the way

Under a fifth (16%) of UK businesses are currently using…

AI: the only defence against rising cyberattacks in the education sector?

Scott Brooks, Technical Strategist at IT solutions provider Cheeky…

Study finds that three in five teachers can’t identify AI written content

  A focus group study found that three in five…

Learnosity using AI to create positive disruption within the assessment and learning space

Learnosity, the world’s most widely used assessment technology,…