Evo Hannan MYP Design Teacher and Martyn Hale Chairman at HME Technology

When world trade is in an economic downturn countries around the world look to ensuring employment of the population and manufacturing is the key.

GEMS Education in Al Khail delivers high quality education with an international outlook – critical in an increasingly competitive global environment.  The state of the art learning facility’s multi-faceted approach to learning prepares students for the rigors of higher learning and equips them with the skills and versatility they require for professional employment.

Design, Technology and Science equipment specialist with over 30 years’ experience, HME Technology Limited secured the contract to supply, install and commission the Art, Textiles, Graphics and Design & Technology suite.  The investment of furniture and machines will enable the students to learn using plastics, wood, metal and materials in both computer aided design and manufacture.

HME Technology Limited Chairman Martyn Hale had the pleasure of recently attending the school to deliver the departmental staff and Mr Evo Hannan the head of the Design & Technology, their certification and accreditation following the HME training on use of the machinery especially computer numerical controlled 3D printing, laser cutting, routing and lathe machinery.

Commenting Martyn records that the visual impact on parents who visit the school will recognise their children will be well prepared with the introductory skills for future employment when facilities as advanced as here are being fully utilised. It also reflects on the skill of the teaching staff to be able to use maybe 15 to 20 different machines over a period of a term. Those are the challenges teachers of the subject rise to deliver a sound teaching curriculum.

Further Mr Hannan welcomed the presentation of his set of ‘Teacher Task Sheets’ based on 14 machines to assist his delivery of the curriculum, these were developed by HME using the expertise of a range of D&T professionals in England. These cover health and safety and key facets of each machine especially 3D printers, and support Mr Hannan to meet the curriculum.

Kevin Hughes HME accredited trainer emphasised that it is not just about supplying equipment but investing in our key market of design and technology, ensuring we can wherever possible support the teaching staff with resources and maintaining that long term relationship with each school to ensure health and safety is key when using a range of processes and materials.

For more information about HME Technology’s products and services please visit www.hme-tech.com, call 01527 839000 or email contact@hme-tech.com