This September, HISTORY® launched History Lessons, a new programming initiative designed to help 11 to 16-year-olds learn more about the historic periods and themes they are studying in school.

The programming strand, which started on 7th September, is aimed at Key Stage 3 and GCSE pupils and broadcasts from 8am to 10am every Saturday morning.

History Lessons sees HISTORY® broadcast a host of documentaries to run in line with the year seven to year twelve curriculum. The programming focuses on three key periods: Nazi Germany, the Roman Empire and the Crusades.

Hitler’s Circle of Evil’ chronicles the rise and fall of the Third Reich through the personal relationships of the most influential members of the Nazi Party. Four-part series ‘The Crusades: Crescent and the Cross’ is a detailed documentary telling the complete story of the great Christian Crusades into the Holy Land. ‘Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire’ is a 13-episode series starting at the transition period of the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire in the 2nd century BC, ending with the story of the last Western Roman emperor in the 5th century AD.

The compelling programming brings to life some of the most defining moments in human history, offering students an easy-to-access learning resource that complements their school studies. In addition, HISTORY® will add more documentaries to its video on demand service, with further resources to be made available at history.co.uk.

The initiative is part of the broadcaster’s ongoing commitment to bringing  history to life by encouraging education through entertainment. HISTORY will continue to look into further opportunities to provide learning resources for educational institutions and audiences alike.

A+E Networks UK SVP of Content and Creative for EMEA, Heather Jones said: We’re very excited to have launched our dedicated schools support zone ‘History Lessons’ at the start of the new school term. At a pivotal time for the UK, understanding history has never been more important and we hope to inspire students, schools, teachers and families all over the UK by bringing history to life for new audiences in 2019.