1decision awarded PSHE Association Quality Mark
1decision, part of Headway learning resources, has been awarded the PSHE Association Quality Mark for its Key Stage 2 classroom materials.
With Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) reaching a pivotal point in UK schooling, and Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education becoming statutory from September 2020, this national recognition for 1decision could not be better timed.
The programme, which already held the PSHE Association Quality Mark for its Key Stage 1 resources, launched its offering to help primary school teachers deliver PSHE lessons for 8-11 year olds in December 2017. This resource aims to help all primary-aged pupils develop the essential knowledge and skills to manage different influences and pressures in their lives and to make safe, healthy and informed choices.
Now, after a rigorous accreditation process, 1decision has been awarded the Quality Mark of the PSHE Association for its full primary programme, which includes modules such as staying safe, staying healthy, growing and changing, feelings and emotions, being responsible, online safety and the working world. These subject areas also help to fulfil the requirements for SMSC development and are in line with the latest safeguarding and Ofsted guidance.
Confirming the Quality Mark, PSHE Association Subject Specialist Sally Martin said: “1decision can form an important part of a planned PSHE education programme across the primary phase, and will support planning of effective and engaging lessons for pupils. Pupils are encouraged to help characters make the right decision in a variety of situations and consolidate their learning through a variety of teaching activities. Video clips, pupil activity sheets, workbooks and interactive materials are provided for each module and clearly written teacher guidance supports high-quality delivery.”
1decision is unique in that the programme offers over 65 videos with alternative endings and documentaries to support effective lessons which promote children’s personal development, safeguarding and wellbeing. The programme empowers primary school pupils to make choices to keep the featured characters safe and healthy. PSHE often touches on sensitive subjects but the use of characters makes these topics less personal for the children. Pupils explore situations in a safe environment and work together to make positive choices for the characters. This enables children to feel empowered whilst gaining the knowledge, vocabulary and skills to manage their own lives now and in the future.
“To receive the PSHE Association’s Quality Mark for our Key Stage 2 resources is a significant milestone in our journey,” said Hayley Sherwood, Founder of 1decision. “Schools will benefit from the fact that both our Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 programmes of study now have the full endorsement of our professional subject body. As we move towards statutory Relationships Education and Health Education in primary schools next year, the timing could not be better as schools really need to think about how they are going to deliver these subject requirements. We are continuing to develop our high-quality 1decision teaching resources and will be able to help schools further prepare learners for life.”
Research by Headway Education, of which 1decision is its PSHE partner, earlier this year found that 60% of headteachers, other senior leaders and class teachers were “concerned or very concerned” about the need for high-quality resources to support the new curriculum. 54% reported being concerned or very concerned about finding time to teach these subjects, teacher training (52%) and parental support (39%).
To find out more about the 1decision resource, please visit www.1decision.co.uk