Medical Research Scotland, Scotland’s largest independent medical research charity has launched a new digital learning series encouraging S5 and S6 pupils to study STEM subjects as part of the newly formed Medical Research Scotland Academy.

Following successful in-person events in 2020 in Glasgow and Dundee, the MRS Academy programme for 2021 will be delivered online through four, 45 minute live and on-demand bitesize sessions streamed simultaneously into science classrooms across Scotland.

Each session is provided to schools free of charge and will feature an inspiring young scientist at the cutting edge of their field as well as University lecturers and industry leaders from across medical research, science and technology.


Pupils will be able to put their science skills to the test by doing their own practical experiments, using kit delivered to schools by MRS and following on screen instructions from MRS researchers.

Professor Philip Winn, Chair of Medical Research Scotland said: “At a time where the importance of medical research has never been more evident, we hope to inspire the next generation of scientists through our Academy programme. Scotland has a proud tradition of delivering world class medical research and today’s secondary school pupils could one day be leading their field with cutting edge laboratory work.

“Following the success of in-person events last year across the country, we’re delighted to be able to make the programme available digitally for 2021, helping us to reach students who might not have been able to benefit otherwise”.

Rebekah Hodson, teacher at Strathallan School said: “In a year which has seen students, teachers and parents have to adapt to new ways of learning, programmes such as the Medical Research Scotland Academy series provide a fantastic source of inspiration for our students. We signed up our pupils confident that the Academy series will ignite their passion for science and provide them with a taste of the career opportunities open to them through STEM study”.

For more information, please contact Tara D’Agostino, Sinead Donnelly or Tom Hallam at, available on 07966 841 982, 07464 473 510 or 07590 333 253 respectively