King’s Maths School Reigns Supreme
Students at King’s College London Mathematics School (KCLMS) celebrated their A-level results recently with 100% receiving an A* or A grade in Mathematics, including 83% gaining an A*. The students, who had their university destinations confirmed recently, gained strong results across all the subjects taught at the School, with 95% attaining the highest A-Level grades (A*, A or B) – placing the School amongst the very top performing state schools in the country. Nearly a fifth of this year’s leavers have accepted offers from Oxford or Cambridge, and 85% from 21 of the 26 Russell Group universities including King’s itself.
All 65 students graduating from the specialist state-funded School for mathematicians aged 16-19 were selected for their particular enthusiasm and aptitude for Mathematics and received their results along with around 300,000 students across the country. The School’s average point score per A-level entry (272.9) is in fact higher than any other UK state school’s average point score in 2015. 43% of the first leavers are girls, who just outperformed their male counterparts both on average point score per entry and on Oxbridge offers.
Dan Abramson, Headteacher at the School said: ‘It is a momentous result for our students: so many of them have achieved so well. I’m immensely proud of them, and admire them for the ambition, courage and determination that took them to such evident success. I’d like to join them in thanking the hard work of their teachers as well as all the people at King’s who have supported and helped to nurture our young school, that after just two years has shown it is one of the top state schools in the country.’
It is not just the leavers who are celebrating, however, as 92% of the School’s new student intake welcomed last autumn attained an A or B grade in their AS results and over half of the year group achieved at least three A grades.
King’s have been involved in the development of the curriculum at the School, which combines Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, Economics and Computing A-Levels with the Extended Project Qualification that will enable students to pursue individual research and construction projects. The relatively high proportion of girls at the School shows that it is improving historically under-represented girls studying these STEM subjects (39% in Maths, 29% in Further Maths, 21% in Physics, 9% in Computer Science, 32% in Economics). Mr Abramson’s aspiration is for students to be motivated by inspirational staff as well as by each other, and to learn in a dynamic space designed to nurture creative thinking.
Mr Abramson concluded ‘I’m proud to have worked with such bright young dynamic minds, who no doubt will go on to great things. I wish them all every success in their future endeavours.’